Ignite Government

Next IgniteGov Plans are Afoot

We're cooking up the next ignite gov event for May 12, 2011 in Portland, Oregon at the Jupiter Hotel in partnership with Open Gov West.  We're looking for volunteers so drop a line and say "hey I want to get involved" and will match your talent and passion with our  list of stuff we'd love to have your help with.  Email submissions-at-ignitegovernment-dot-org .

IgniteGov 2010 @GOSCON on YouTube

You can check out all the talks from the inaugural event in the IgniteGov YouTube channel.

What is IgniteGov?


IgniteGov is a civic-themed version of the fun and fantasic Ignite events.  Civic and Community Enagement, Open Data, Open Source, and Citizen+Government Projects are popular topics.

What is Ignite?

Fast-paced, fun, thought-provoking, social, local, global - Ignite is all of these and more. It's a high-energy evening of 5-minute talks by people who have an idea and the guts to get onstage and share it with their community. Speakers are allowed 20 slides, each automatically advancing every 15 seconds, giving each speaker 5 minutes to share their burning ideas. Ignite events are run by volunteers who are connected through the global Ignite network as well as the communities in which they engage. Ignite is a force for raising the collective IQ and building connections in each community.


If you've never seen an Ignite presentation before, check out the video above featuring Zack Denfeld presenting "Learning from Bangalore: Urban Informatics at Street Level". If you are thinking about submitting a talk and you'd like some pointers, check out this blog post by Ignite old-timer Scott Berkun, with advice on how to give an Ignite talk. You can even watch his Ignite talk on the same subject on IgniteShow.Com.